+27 (0) 10 590 8378



June 2024
Ethics in business (part 2)

March 2024
Ethics in business (part 1)


December 2023
It's a risky business (part 2)

September 2023
It's a risky business

June 2023
Quick replies

March 2023
Engaging consumers to create a positive view of your business


December 2022
Safety first

September 2022
A reminder from the Ombudsman

June 2022
Know when to say No!

March 2022


December 2021
What a Year! After a tumultuous 2021 we have come to the end of the year, battered but not beaten.

September 2021
The Importance of Consumer Education

June 2021
Protection of Personal Information Act, 4 of 2013 (POPIA)

March 2021
Using regulations to your advantage


December 2020
Bidding Adieu to 2020

September 2020
2020 - The year of challenges

February 2020
2020 is finally here, a new year, a new decade.


November 2019
The independent dispute resolution forum for the South African automotive and related industries and their customers.

May 2019
Is South Africa developing a culture of bad customer service in the automotive and related industries?


November 2018
After all these years there are still people who are unclear on what the Motor Industry Ombudsman of South Africa (MIOSA) does. I think it's worthy of another look.

August 2018
No-one who owns a motor vehicle can afford to be burdened by an unreliable mode of transport.

May 2018
The Road Ahead

February 2018
The importance of recording your business information on the database of the Motor Industry Ombudsman of South Africa


November 2017
The art of negotiation

August 2017
The Queensbury rules

May 2017
What is ethical behaviour?

February 2017
Facilitative mediation versus evaluative mediation. Seeing more then the tip of the iceberg